Source code for thewalrus.charpoly

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Characteristic polynomials

**Module name:** :mod:`thewalrus.charpoly`

.. currentmodule:: thewalrus.charpoly

This module implements La Budde's algorithm to calculate the
characteristic polynomials of matrices.

.. autosummary::

Code details
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
import numpy as np
from numba import jit

[docs] @jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def get_reflection_vector(matrix, k): # pragma: no cover r"""Compute reflection vector for householder transformation on general complex matrices. See Introduction to Numerical Analysis-Springer New York (2002) (3rd Edition) by J. Stoer and R. Bulirsch Section 6.5.1. Args: matrix (array): the matrix in the householder transformation k (int): offset for submatrix Returns: array: reflection vector """ size = len(matrix) sizeH = size - k reflect_vector = np.zeros(sizeH, dtype=matrix.dtype) offset = k - 1 matrix_column = np.zeros(sizeH, dtype=matrix.dtype) for i in range(0, sizeH): matrix_column[i] = matrix[k + i, offset] sigma = np.linalg.norm(matrix_column) if matrix_column[0] != 0: sigma *= matrix_column[0] / np.abs(matrix_column[0]) for i in range(0, sizeH): reflect_vector[i] = matrix_column[i] reflect_vector[0] += sigma return reflect_vector
[docs] @jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def apply_householder(A, v, k): # pragma: no cover r"""Apply householder transformation on a matrix A. See Matrix Computations by Golub and Van Loan (4th Edition) Sections 5.1.4 and 7.4.2. Args: A (array): A matrix to apply householder on v (array): reflection vector size_A (int): size of matrix A k (int): offset for submatrix """ size_A = len(A) sizeH = len(v) norm_v_sqr = np.linalg.norm(v) ** 2 if norm_v_sqr == 0: return vHA = np.zeros(size_A - k + 1, dtype=A.dtype) Av = np.zeros(size_A, dtype=A.dtype) for j in range(0, size_A - k + 1): for l in range(0, sizeH): vHA[j] += np.conj(v[l]) * A[k + l, k - 1 + j] for i in range(0, sizeH): for j in range(0, size_A - k + 1): A[k + i, k - 1 + j] -= 2 * v[i] * vHA[j] / norm_v_sqr for i in range(0, size_A): for l in range(0, sizeH): Av[i] += A[i, k + l] * v[l] for i in range(0, size_A): for j in range(0, sizeH): A[i, k + j] -= 2 * Av[i] * np.conj(v[j]) / norm_v_sqr
[docs] @jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def reduce_matrix_to_hessenberg(matrix): # pragma: no cover r"""Reduce the matrix to upper hessenberg form without Lapack. This function only accepts Row-Order matrices. Args: matrix (array): the matrix to be reduced Returns: array: matrix in hessenberg form """ for i in range(1, len(matrix) - 1): reflect_vector = get_reflection_vector(matrix, i) apply_householder(matrix, reflect_vector, i)
@jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def beta(H, i): # pragma: no cover r"""Auxiliary function for Labudde algorithm. See pg 10 of `arXiv:1104.3769 <>`_ for definition of beta. Args: matrix (array): upper-Hessenberg matrix i (int): row Returns: float: element of the lower-diagonal of matrix H """ return H[i - 1, i - 2] @jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def alpha(H, i): # pragma: no cover r"""Auxiliary function for La Budde's algorithm. See pg 10 of `arXiv:1104.3769 <>`_ for definition of alpha. Args: matrix (array): upper-Hessenberg matrix i (int): row Returns: float: element of the central-diagonal of matrix H """ return H[i - 1, i - 1] @jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def hij(H, i, j): # pragma: no cover r"""Auxiliary function for La Budde's algorithm. See pg 10 of `arXiv:1104.3769 <>`_ for definition of hij. Args: matrix (array): upper-Hessenberg matrix i (int): row j (int): column Returns: float: element of the lower-diagonal of matrix H """ return H[i - 1, j - 1] @jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def mlo(i, j): # pragma: no cover """Auxiliary function for La Budde's algorithm. See `arXiv:1104.3769 <>`_. .. note:: The La Budde paper uses indices that start counting at 1 so this function lowers them to start counting at 0. Args: matrix (array): upper-Hessenberg matrix i (int): row j (int): column Returns: int: linear matrix index lowered by 1 """ return tuple((i - 1, j - 1)) @jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def _charpoly(H, k): # pragma: no cover r"""Compute characteristic polynomial using La Budde's algorithm. See `arXiv:1104.3769 <>`_. .. note:: If the matrix is n by n but you only want coefficients ``k < n`` set ``k`` below ``n``. If you want all coefficients, set ``k = n``. Args: H (array): matrix in Hessenberg form (RowMajor) n (int): size of matrix k (int): compute coefficients up to ``k`` (``k`` must be ``<= n``) Returns: array: char-poly coeffs + auxiliary data (see comment in function) """ n = len(H) c = np.zeros_like(H) c[mlo(1, 1)] = -alpha(H, 1) c[mlo(2, 1)] = c[mlo(1, 1)] - alpha(H, 2) c[mlo(2, 2)] = alpha(H, 1) * alpha(H, 2) - hij(H, 1, 2) * beta(H, 2) for i in range(3, k + 1): c[mlo(i, 1)] = c[mlo(i - 1, 1)] - alpha(H, i) for j in range(2, i): suma = 0 beta_prod = 1 for m in range(1, j - 1): beta_prod = 1 for bm in range(i, i - m, -1): beta_prod *= beta(H, bm) suma += hij(H, i - m, i) * beta_prod * c[mlo(i - m - 1, j - m - 1)] beta_prod = 1 for bm in range(i, i - j + 1, -1): beta_prod *= beta(H, bm) c[mlo(i, j)] = ( c[mlo(i - 1, j)] - alpha(H, i) * c[mlo(i - 1, j - 1)] - suma - hij(H, i - j + 1, i) * beta_prod ) suma = 0 beta_prod = 0 for m in range(1, i - 1): beta_prod = 1 for bm in range(i, i - m, -1): beta_prod *= beta(H, bm) suma += hij(H, i - m, i) * beta_prod * c[mlo(i - m - 1, i - m - 1)] beta_prod = 1 for bm in range(i, 1, -1): beta_prod *= beta(H, bm) c[mlo(i, i)] = -alpha(H, i) * c[mlo(i - 1, i - 1)] - suma - hij(H, 1, i) * beta_prod for i in range(k + 1, n + 1): c[mlo(i, 1)] = c[mlo(i - 1, 1)] - alpha(H, i) if k >= 2: for j in range(2, k + 1): suma = 0.0 beta_prod = 1 for m in range(1, j - 1): beta_prod = 1 for bm in range(i, i - m, -1): beta_prod *= beta(H, bm) suma += hij(H, i - m, i) * beta_prod * c[mlo(i - m - 1, j - m - 1)] beta_prod = 1 for bm in range(i, i - j + 1, -1): beta_prod *= beta(H, bm) c[mlo(i, j)] = ( c[mlo(i - 1, j)] - alpha(H, i) * c[mlo(i - 1, j - 1)] - suma - hij(H, i - j + 1, i) * beta_prod ) poly_list = [c[n - 1, i - 1] for i in range(1, n + 1)] return poly_list
[docs] @jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def charpoly(H): # pragma: no cover """Calculates the characteristic polynomial of the matrix ``H``. Args: H (array): square matrix Returns (array): list of power traces from ``0`` to ``n-1`` """ n = len(H) reduce_matrix_to_hessenberg(H) coeff = _charpoly(H, n) return coeff
[docs] @jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def powertrace(H, n): # pragma: no cover """Calculates the powertraces of the matrix ``H`` up to power ``n-1``. Args: H (array): square matrix n (int): required order Returns: (array): list of power traces from ``0`` to ``n-1`` """ m = len(H) min_val = min(n, m) pow_traces = [m, np.trace(H)] A = H for _ in range(min_val - 2): A = A @ H pow_traces.append(np.trace(A)) if n <= m: return np.array(pow_traces, dtype=H.dtype) char_pol = charpoly(H) for _ in range(min_val, n): ssum = 0 for k in range(m): ssum -= char_pol[k] * pow_traces[-k - 1] pow_traces.append(ssum) return np.array(pow_traces, dtype=H.dtype)


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