Symplectic operations¶
Module name: thewalrus.symplectic
Contains some Gaussian operations and auxiliary functions.
Auxiliary functions¶
Expands a Symplectic matrix S to act on the entire subsystem. |
Returns the phase-space displacement vector associated to a displacement. |
Returns the expanded linear optical transformation acting on specified modes, with identity acting on all other modes |
Returns the vector of means and the covariance matrix of the specified modes. |
Checks if matrix S is a symplectic matrix |
Returns the matrix \(\Omega_n = \begin{bmatrix}0 & I_n\\ -I_n & 0\end{bmatrix}\) |
Permutes the entries of the input from xxpp ordering to xpxp ordering. |
Permutes the entries of the input from xpxp ordering to xxpp ordering. |
Gaussian states¶
Returns the vacuum state. |
Gates and operations¶
Two-mode squeezing. |
Squeezing. |
Interferometer. |
Loss channel acting on a Gaussian state. |
Calculates the mean photon number for a given one-mode state. |
Beam-splitter. |
Rotation gate. |
Code details¶
- beam_splitter(theta, phi, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]¶
- Parameters:
theta (float) – transmissivity parameter
phi (float) – phase parameter
dtype (numpy.dtype) – datatype to represent the Symplectic matrix
- Returns:
symplectic-orthogonal transformation matrix of an interferometer with angles theta and phi
- Return type:
- expand(S, modes, N)[source]¶
Expands a Symplectic matrix S to act on the entire subsystem. If the input is a single mode symplectic, then extends it to act on multiple modes.
Supports scipy sparse matrices. Instances of
will be transformed into csr_array`.- Parameters:
S (ndarray or spmatrix) – a \(2M\times 2M\) Symplectic matrix
modes (Sequence[int]) – the list of modes S acts on
N (int) – full size of the subsystem
- Returns:
the resulting \(2N\times 2N\) Symplectic matrix
- Return type:
- expand_passive(T, modes, N)[source]¶
Returns the expanded linear optical transformation acting on specified modes, with identity acting on all other modes
- Parameters:
T (array) – square \(M \times M\) matrix of linear optical transformation
modes (array) – the \(M\) modes of the transformation
N (int) – number of modes in the new expanded transformation
- Returns:
\(N \times N\) array of expanded passive transformation
- Return type:
- expand_vector(alpha, mode, N, hbar=2.0)[source]¶
Returns the phase-space displacement vector associated to a displacement.
- Parameters:
alpha (complex) – complex displacement
mode (int) – mode index
N (int) – number of modes
- Returns:
phase-space displacement vector of size 2*N
- Return type:
- interferometer(U)[source]¶
- Parameters:
U (array) – unitary matrix
- Returns:
symplectic transformation matrix
- Return type:
- is_symplectic(S, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08)[source]¶
Checks if matrix S is a symplectic matrix
- Parameters:
S (array) – a square matrix
- Returns:
whether the given matrix is symplectic
- Return type:
- loss(mu, cov, T, mode, nbar=0, hbar=2)[source]¶
Loss channel acting on a Gaussian state.
- Parameters:
mu (array) – means vector
cov (array) – covariance matri
T (float) – transmission; 1 corresponds to no loss, 0 to full loss.
mode (int) – mode to act on
nbar (float) – thermal mean population (default 0)
hbar (float) – (default 2) the value of \(\hbar\) in the commutation relation \([\x,\p]=i\hbar\)
- Returns:
the means vector and covariance matrix of the resulting state
- Return type:
- mean_photon_number(mu, cov, hbar=2)[source]¶
Calculates the mean photon number for a given one-mode state.
- Parameters:
mu (array) – length-2 vector of means
cov (array) – \(2\times 2\) covariance matrix
hbar (float) – (default 2) the value of \(\hbar\) in the commutation relation \([\x,\p]=i\hbar\)
- Returns:
the photon number expectation and variance
- Return type:
- passive_transformation(mu, cov, T, hbar=2)[source]¶
Perform a covariance matrix transformation for an arbitrary linear optical channel on an \(N\) modes state mapping it to a to an \(M\) modes state.
- Parameters:
mu (array) – \(2N\)-length means vector
cov (array) – \(2N \times 2N\) covariance matrix
T (array) – \(M \times N\) linear optical transformation
- Keyword Arguments:
hbar (float) – the value to use for hbar
- Returns:
\(2M\)-length transformed means vector array \(2M \times 2M\) tranformed covariance matrix
- Return type:
- reduced_state(mu, cov, modes)[source]¶
Returns the vector of means and the covariance matrix of the specified modes.
- Parameters:
modes (int of Sequence[int]) – indices of the requested modes
- Returns:
means is an array containing the vector of means, and cov is a square array containing the covariance matrix. Both use the \(xp\)-ordering.
- Return type:
tuple (means, cov)
- rotation(theta, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]¶
Rotation gate.
- Parameters:
theta (float) – rotation angle
dtype (numpy.dtype) – datatype to represent the Symplectic matrix
- Returns:
rotation matrix by angle theta
- Return type:
- squeezing(r, phi=None, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]¶
Squeezing. In fock space this corresponds to:
\[\exp(\tfrac{1}{2}r e^{i \phi} (a^2 - a^{\dagger 2}) ).\]By passing an array of squeezing parameters and phases, it applies a tensor product of squeezing operations.
- Parameters:
r (Union[array, float]) – squeezing magnitude
phi (Union[array, float]) – rotation parameter. If
, then the function uses zeros of the same shape asr
.dtype (numpy.dtype) – datatype to represent the Symplectic matrix. Defaults to
- Returns:
symplectic transformation matrix
- Return type:
- sympmat(N, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]¶
Returns the matrix \(\Omega_n = \begin{bmatrix}0 & I_n\\ -I_n & 0\end{bmatrix}\)
- Parameters:
N (int) – positive integer
dtype (numpy.dtype) – datatype to represent the Symplectic matrix
- Returns:
\(2N\times 2N\) array
- Return type:
- two_mode_squeezing(r, phi, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]¶
Two-mode squeezing.
- Parameters:
r (float) – squeezing magnitude
phi (float) – rotation parameter
dtype (numpy.dtype) – datatype to represent the Symplectic matrix
- Returns:
symplectic transformation matrix
- Return type:
- vacuum_state(modes, hbar=2.0, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]¶
Returns the vacuum state.
- Parameters:
modes (str) – Returns the vector of means and the covariance matrix
hbar (float) – (default 2) the value of \(\hbar\) in the commutation relation \([\x,\p]=i\hbar\)
dtype (numpy.dtype) – datatype to represent the covariance matrix and vector of means
- Returns:
the means vector and covariance matrix of the vacuum state
- Return type:
- xpxp_to_xxpp(S)[source]¶
Permutes the entries of the input from xpxp ordering to xxpp ordering.
- Parameters:
S (array) – input even dimensional square matrix or vector
- Returns:
permuted matrix or vector
- Return type:
- xxpp_to_xpxp(S)[source]¶
Permutes the entries of the input from xxpp ordering to xpxp ordering.
- Parameters:
S (array) – input even dimensional square matrix or array
- Returns:
permuted matrix or array
- Return type: