Source code for thewalrus.csamples

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Classical Sampling Algorithms

.. currentmodule:: thewalrus.csamples

This submodule provides access to classical sampling algorithms for thermal states going through
an interferometer specified by a real orthogonal matrix. The quantum state to be sampled is
specified by a positive semidefinite real matrix and a mean photon number. The algorithm implemented
here was first derived in

* Saleh Rahimi-Keshari, Austin P Lund, and Timothy C Ralph.
  "What can quantum optics say about computational complexity theory?" `Physical Review Letters, 114(6):060501, (2015).

For more precise details of the implementation see

* Soran Jahangiri, Juan Miguel Arrazola, Nicolás Quesada, and Nathan Killoran.
  "Point processes with Gaussian boson sampling" `Phys. Rev. E 101, 022134, (2020).

.. autosummary::

Code details
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar

[docs]def rescale_adjacency_matrix_thermal( A, n_mean, check_positivity=True, check_symmetry=True, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08 ): r"""Returns the scaling parameter by which the adjacency matrix A should be rescaled so that the Gaussian state that encodes it has a total mean photon number n_mean for thermal sampling. Args: A (array): Adjacency matrix, assumed to be positive semi-definite and real n_mean (float): Mean photon number of the Gaussian state check_positivity (bool): Checks if the matrix A is positive semidefinite check_symmetry (bool): Checks if the matrix is symmetric rtol: relative tolerance for the checks atol: absolute tolerance for the checks Returns: tuple(array,array): rescaled eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix A """ return rescale_adjacency_matrix( A, n_mean, 1.0, check_positivity=check_positivity, check_symmetry=check_symmetry, rtol=rtol, atol=atol )
[docs]def rescale_adjacency_matrix( A, n_mean, scale, check_positivity=True, check_symmetry=True, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08 ): r"""Returns the scaling parameter by which the adjacency matrix A should be rescaled so that the Gaussian state that encodes it has a total mean photon number n_mean. Args: A (array): Adjacency matrix, assumed to be positive semi-definite and real n_mean (float): Mean photon number of the Gaussian state scale (float): Determines whether to rescale the matrix for thermal sampling (scale = 1.0) or for squashed sampling (scale = 2.0) check_positivity (bool): Checks if the matrix A is positive semidefinite check_symmetry (bool): Checks if the matrix is symmetric rtol: relative tolerance for the checks atol: absolute tolerance for the checks Returns: tuple(array,array): rescaled eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix A """ ls, O = np.linalg.eigh(A) ls[np.abs(ls) < atol] = 0.0 if check_symmetry is True: assert np.allclose(A, A.T, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) if check_positivity is True: assert np.all(ls >= 0) max_sv = ls[-1] a_lim = 0.0 b_lim = 1 / (atol + scale * max_sv) x_init = 0.5 * b_lim def mean_photon_number(x, vals): r"""Returns the mean number of photons in the Gaussian state that encodes the adjacency matrix x*A where vals are the eigenvalues of positive semidefinite A Args: x (float): Scaling parameter vals (array): Eigenvalues of the matrix A Returns: n_mean: Mean photon number in the Gaussian state """ vals2 = scale * x * vals n = np.sum(vals2 / (1.0 - vals2)) return n # The following function is implicitly tested in test_rescaling_thermal def grad_mean_photon_number(x, vals): # pragma: no cover r"""Returns the gradient of the mean number of photons in the Gaussian state that encodes the adjacency matrix x*A with respect to x. vals are the eigenvalues of A Args: x (float): Scaling parameter vals (array): Eigenvalues of the matrix A Returns: d_n_mean: Derivative of the mean photon number in the Gaussian state with respect to x """ vals1 = scale * x * vals dn = np.sum((scale * vals) / (1 - vals1) ** 2) return dn f = lambda x: mean_photon_number(x, ls) - n_mean df = lambda x: grad_mean_photon_number(x, ls) res = root_scalar(f, fprime=df, x0=x_init, bracket=(a_lim, b_lim)) assert res.converged return res.root * ls, O
[docs]def generate_thermal_samples(ls, O, num_samples=1): r"""Generates samples of the Gaussian state in terms of the mean photon number parameter ls and the interferometer O. Args: ls (array): squashing parameters O (array): Orthogonal matrix representing the interferometer num_samples: Number of samples to generate Returns: list(array: samples """ rs = 0.5 * ls / (1 - ls) return [ np.random.poisson( np.abs( O @ (np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(rs)) + 1j * np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(rs))) ) ** 2 ) for _ in range(num_samples) ]