
The Walrus contains a Python interface, and low-level C++ libwalrus library.

Python interface

  • The thewalrus Python interface provides access to various highly optimized hafnian, permanent, and torontonian algorithms

  • The thewalrus.quantum submodule provides access to various utility functions that act on Gaussian quantum states

  • The thewalrus.samples submodule provides access to algorithms to sample from the hafnian or the torontonian of Gaussian quantum states

  • The thewalrus.symplectic submodule provides access to a convenient set of symplectic matrices and utility functions to manipulate them

  • The thewalrus.random submodule provides access to random unitary, symplectic and covariance matrices

  • The thewalrus.fock_gradients submodule provides access to the Fock representation of certain continuous-variable gates and their gradients

  • The thewalrus.reference submodule provides access to pure-Python reference implementations of the hafnian, loop hafnian, and torontonian

Low-level libraries

The low-level libwalrus C++ library is a header-only library containing various parallelized algorithms for computing the hafnian, loop hafnian, permanent, and Torontonian calculation of complex, real, and integer matrices. This library is used under-the-hood by the Python thewalrus module.

You can also use the libwalrus library directly in your C++ projects - just ensure that the include folder is in your include path, and add

#include <libwalrus.hpp>

at the top of your C++ source file. See the file example.cpp, as well as the corresponding Makefile, for an example of how the libwalrus library can be accessed directly from C++ code.

Alternatively, if you install the The Walrus package as a python wheel using pip, you can link against the static pre-built library provided.


In addition, two auxiallary Octave functions are provided: octave/hafnian.m and octave/loophafnian.m.