Source code for thewalrus.quantum.conversions

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Functions for transforming one type of covariance-matrix-like object into
another as well as reducing a Gaussian state.

import numpy as np

[docs] def reduced_gaussian(mu, cov, modes): r"""Returns the vector of means and the covariance matrix of the specified modes. Args: mu (array): a length-:math:`2N` ``np.float64`` vector of means. cov (array): a :math:`2N\times 2N` ``np.float64`` covariance matrix representing an :math:`N` mode quantum state. modes (int of Sequence[int]): indices of the requested modes Returns: tuple (means, cov): where means is an array containing the vector of means, and cov is a square array containing the covariance matrix. """ N = len(mu) // 2 # reduce rho down to specified subsystems if isinstance(modes, int): modes = [modes] if np.any(np.array(modes) > N): raise ValueError("Provided mode is larger than the number of subsystems.") if len(modes) == N: # reduced state is full state return mu, cov ind = np.concatenate([np.array(modes), np.array(modes) + N]) rows = ind.reshape(-1, 1) cols = ind.reshape(1, -1) return mu[ind], cov[rows, cols]
[docs] def Xmat(N): r"""Returns the matrix :math:`X_n = \begin{bmatrix}0 & I_n\\ I_n & 0\end{bmatrix}` Args: N (int): positive integer Returns: array: :math:`2N\times 2N` array """ I = np.identity(N) O = np.zeros_like(I) X = np.block([[O, I], [I, O]]) return X
[docs] def Qmat(cov, hbar=2): r"""Returns the :math:`Q` Husimi matrix of the Gaussian state. Args: cov (array): :math:`2N\times 2N xp-` Wigner covariance matrix hbar (float): the value of :math:`\hbar` in the commutation relation :math:`[\x,\p]=i\hbar`. Returns: array: the :math:`Q` matrix. """ # number of modes N = len(cov) // 2 I = np.identity(N) x = cov[:N, :N] * 2 / hbar xp = cov[:N, N:] * 2 / hbar p = cov[N:, N:] * 2 / hbar # the (Hermitian) matrix elements <a_i^\dagger a_j> aidaj = (x + p + 1j * (xp - xp.T) - 2 * I) / 4 # the (symmetric) matrix elements <a_i a_j> aiaj = (x - p + 1j * (xp + xp.T)) / 4 # calculate the covariance matrix sigma_Q appearing in the Q function: # Q(alpha) = exp[-(alpha-beta).sigma_Q^{-1}.(alpha-beta)/2]/|sigma_Q| Q = np.block([[aidaj, aiaj.conj()], [aiaj, aidaj.conj()]]) + np.identity(2 * N) return Q
[docs] def Covmat(Q, hbar=2): r"""Returns the Wigner covariance matrix in the :math:`xp`-ordering of the Gaussian state. This is the inverse function of Qmat. Args: Q (array): :math:`2N\times 2N` Husimi Q matrix hbar (float): the value of :math:`\hbar` in the commutation relation :math:`[\x,\p]=i\hbar`. Returns: array: the :math:`xp`-ordered covariance matrix in the xp-ordering. """ # number of modes n = len(Q) // 2 I = np.identity(n) N = Q[0:n, 0:n] - I M = Q[n : 2 * n, 0:n] mm11a = 2 * (N.real + M.real) + np.identity(n) mm22a = 2 * (N.real - M.real) + np.identity(n) mm12a = 2 * (M.imag + N.imag) cov = np.block([[mm11a, mm12a], [mm12a.T, mm22a]]) return (hbar / 2) * cov
[docs] def Amat(cov, hbar=2, cov_is_qmat=False): r"""Returns the :math:`A` matrix of the Gaussian state whose hafnian gives the photon number probabilities. Args: cov (array): :math:`2N\times 2N` covariance matrix hbar (float): the value of :math:`\hbar` in the commutation relation :math:`[\x,\p]=i\hbar`. cov_is_qmat (bool): if ``True``, it is assumed that ``cov`` is in fact the Q matrix. Returns: array: the :math:`A` matrix. """ # number of modes N = len(cov) // 2 X = Xmat(N) # inverse Q matrix if cov_is_qmat: Q = cov else: Q = Qmat(cov, hbar=hbar) Qinv = np.linalg.inv(Q) # calculate Hamilton's A matrix: A = X.(I-Q^{-1})* A = X @ (np.identity(2 * N) - Qinv).conj() return A
[docs] def complex_to_real_displacements(mu, hbar=2): r"""Returns the vector of complex displacements and conjugate displacements. Args: mu (array): length-:math:`2N` means vector hbar (float): the value of :math:`\hbar` in the commutation relation :math:`[\x,\p]=i\hbar`. Returns: array: the expectation values :math:`[\langle a_1\rangle, \langle a_2\rangle,\dots,\langle a_N\rangle, \langle a^\dagger_1\rangle, \dots, \langle a^\dagger_N\rangle]` """ N = len(mu) // 2 # mean displacement of each mode alpha = (mu[:N] + 1j * mu[N:]) / np.sqrt(2 * hbar) # the expectation values (<a_1>, <a_2>,...,<a_N>, <a^\dagger_1>, ..., <a^\dagger_N>) return np.concatenate([alpha, alpha.conj()])
[docs] def real_to_complex_displacements(beta, hbar=2): r"""Returns the vector of real quadrature displacements. Args: beta (array): length-:math:`2N` means bivector hbar (float): the value of :math:`\hbar` in the commutation relation :math:`[\x,\p]=i\hbar`. Returns: array: the quadrature expectation values :math:`[\langle q_1\rangle, \langle q_2\rangle,\dots,\langle q_N\rangle, \langle p_1\rangle, \dots, \langle p_N\rangle]` """ N = len(beta) // 2 alpha = beta[0:N] return np.sqrt(2 * hbar) * np.concatenate([alpha.real, alpha.imag])


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