Source code for thewalrus._montrealer

Montrealer Python interface

* Yanic Cardin and Nicolás Quesada. "Photon-number moments and cumulants of Gaussian states"
  `arxiv:12212.06067 (2023) <>`_
import numpy as np
import numba
from thewalrus.quantum.conversions import Xmat
from thewalrus.charpoly import powertrace
from ._hafnian import nb_ix
from ._torontonian import tor_input_checks

@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def dec2bin(num, n):  # pragma: no cover
    """Helper function to convert an integer into an element of the power-set of ``n`` objects.

        num (int): label to convert
        n (int): number of elements in the set

        (array): array containing the labels of the elements to be selected
    digits = np.zeros((n), dtype=type(num))
    nn = num
    counter = -1
    while nn >= 1:
        digits[counter] = nn % 2
        counter -= 1
        nn //= 2
    return np.nonzero(digits)[0]

def montrealer(Sigma):  # pragma: no cover
    """Calculates the loop-montrealer of the zero-displacement Gaussian state with the given complex covariance matrix.

        Sigma (array): adjacency matrix of the Gaussian state

        (np.complex128): the montrealer of ``Sigma``
    n = len(Sigma) // 2
    tot_num = 2**n
    val = np.complex128(0)
    for p in numba.prange(tot_num):
        pos = dec2bin(p, n)
        lenpos = len(pos)
        pos = np.concatenate((pos, n + pos))
        submat = nb_ix(Sigma, pos, pos)
        sign = (-1) ** (lenpos + 1)
        val += (sign) * powertrace(submat, n + 1)[-1]
    return (-1) ** (n + 1) * val / (2 * n)

def power_loop(Sigma, zeta, n):  # pragma: no cover
    """Auxiliary function to calculate the product ``np.conj(zeta) @ Sigma^{n-1} @ zeta``.

        Sigma (array): square complex matrix
        zeta (array): complex vector
        n (int): sought after power

        (np.complex128 or np.float64): the product np.conj(zeta) @ Sigma^{n-1} @ zeta
    vec = zeta
    for _ in range(n - 1):
        vec = Sigma @ vec
    return np.conj(zeta) @ vec

@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def lmontrealer(Sigma, zeta):  # pragma: no cover
    """Calculates the loop-montrealer of the displaced Gaussian state with the given complex covariance matrix and vector of displacements.

        Sigma (array): complex Glauber covariance matrix of the Gaussian state
        zeta (array): vector of displacements

        (np.complex128): the montrealer of ``Sigma``
    n = len(Sigma) // 2
    tot_num = 2**n
    val = np.complex128(0)
    val_loops = np.complex128(0)
    for p in numba.prange(tot_num):
        pos = dec2bin(p, n)
        lenpos = len(pos)
        pos = np.concatenate((pos, n + pos))
        subvec = zeta[pos]
        submat = nb_ix(Sigma, pos, pos)
        sign = (-1) ** (lenpos + 1)
        val_loops += sign * power_loop(submat, subvec, n)
        val += sign * powertrace(submat, n + 1)[-1]
    return (-1) ** (n + 1) * (val / (2 * n) + val_loops / 2)

[docs] def lmtl(A, zeta): """Returns the montrealer of an NxN matrix and an N-length vector. Args: A (array): an NxN array of even dimensions zeta (array): an N-length vector of even dimensions Returns: np.float64 or np.complex128: the loop montrealer of matrix A, vector zeta """ tor_input_checks(A, zeta) n = len(A) // 2 Sigma = Xmat(n) @ A return lmontrealer(Sigma, zeta)
[docs] def mtl(A): """Returns the montrealer of an NxN matrix. Args: A (array): an NxN array of even dimensions. Returns: np.float64 or np.complex128: the montrealer of matrix ``A`` """ tor_input_checks(A) n = len(A) // 2 Sigma = Xmat(n) @ A return montrealer(Sigma)


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